Education, Language, Culture & Communication

Who are we and what we do?
We are Sonia and Natalia, mother and daughter and also co-workers who share the same love and passion for communication, and teaching in both English and Spanish. We both consider that through the use of language, we can achieve a higher level of productive communication that will essentially lead to success in both personal and professional fields.
We have created a company which specializes in what we have previously mentioned.
- Our company offers educational and pedagogic services to different institutions with the goal of strengthening the academic and interdisciplinary processes as well as both personal and social developments with communication.
Our services are offered in English and Spanish and are organized and planned according to the needs of individuals and companies.
ELCC Education, language, culture, and communication.
About us
Dynamic educator who promotes innovative methodological strategies in the educational field for the effective acquisition of Spanish as a second language.
I have an MA in language, linguistics and comparative literature with concentration in Spanish from Florida Atlantic University. I have a degree in education and specialize in recreation for social and cultural development as well as in teaching Spanish as a second language.
I obtained my professional formation in my native country, Colombia. I have been working in the education field for over 25 years teaching in educational settings such as universities, International schools and companies in Colombia, United States, and The Bahamas. I have been the leader on research projects as well as an interpreter for translation in both English and Spanish.
I have also offered services as a theater professional. My talents have allowed me to bring fictional characters to life in different celebrations such as birthday parties for kids in which an educational message is always left in children’s memories.
I created the Spanish program for business for the Bank of Nova Scotia in Nassau - Bahamas and taught the language to members and executives of the company from 2015 to April 2022. I also taught Spanish at Florida Atlantic university where I obtained my Masters degree.
Today we are all immersed in a world full of challenges and opportunities. Therefore, as
educators we are called to constantly search for new and dynamic methodological strategies
that guarantee the learning of our students. The educational field especially brings with it not
only the pedagogical responsibility of the teacher to guarantee the learning of the students, but
also requires from our part a commitment to human beings eager for knowledge and full of the
innate energy of childhood and youth.
Considering the above, as an educator I seek an approach that goes beyond the pedagogical
and that makes it possible to incorporate the student as the protagonist of his or her own
language learning project. I am fully convinced that a great and harmonious atmosphere within
the educational space significantly promotes student participation and acts as a fundamental
axis in the development of communicative skills necessary in the language learning process.
According to my experience as an educator at all school levels, including college, I can confirm
that proposing playful, organized, attractive and methodologically well-structured activities to
students, such as songs, poetry readings, stories, comic strips, plays and videos, among others,
make possible not only the acquisition of language but also the enjoyment of language learning.
I have understood through the years of my pedagogical practice that all those who face the
learning of a language, manage to learn it to the extent that they find in the teacher the
confidence and security to express themselves, which as I have mentioned is directly related to
the effective intervention of the teacher.
As an educator, I understand that approaching a language broadens our panorama and
exposing students to the knowledge and recognition of other cultures helps them to reaffirm
their identity and to recognize the importance of the other in a world we all share. Hence, I
promote respect for life, culture, and individuality within the educational space.
Considering that the learning of a second language implies grammar instruction, I propose as an
educator that this instruction should not become the fundamental axis of the encounters with
the students, but that my objective is based more on the interaction of the students with the
language through methodological practices that aim at the interaction with the language and
that favor communication. This methodology is based on new theories for the acquisition of a
second language and its effectiveness is evident when after a few days of work with the
students, they make use of the language almost without realizing that they are doing it. Some
of these activities propose the distinction of similar and/or different characteristics between
objects or situations, reflections on culture through dialogues, comparisons between sports,
daily routines, and healthy living, etc.
I also recognize the importance of technology now and agree with its uses in the acquisition of
a second language as long as the activities are created by the educator with a clear educational
purpose. I’ve included in my teaching journey: Duolingo, Babel, Busuu, Quizlet, Kahoot and
some grammar tutorials for the students.
Although I wish to express that the perfect educator does not exist, but I firmly believe that as
educators we are building our noble profession by understanding and respecting the identity
and individuality of our students, therefore the effectiveness of the learning process will
depend in how capable we are to create tasks that in addition to achieving the acquisition of
the language, guarantees the confidence of students to communicate effectively within a
society that evolves and that confronts them with constant challenges.
I am currently seeking an education degree at Florida Atlantic University and I’m also a certified zumba instructor at the university as well.
I am also a dance instructor for kids at various educational institutions. I also share recreational activities with my mother, Sonia. We offer classes that teach English and Spanish to those who wish to learn one of these languages as a second language.
I have pedagogic experiences obtained in New York working kids parties and have also worked with Sonia in the services described above.
As of now, I am continuing my process of growth both personally and professionally by interacting with people around me and my students as well as teaching English classes online.